SEO organic search

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In general, there are two types of results in search results, organic search results and paid search results; But are these two different from each other? As we said, organic search results are free and directly from search engines; While the search results are paid for the fee that the site owner pays to Google. By paying this fee, Google will show the desired website to the user for a series of specified terms.

SEO organic search

 What is SEO organic search?

If we look at the history of this term, we find that the term organic visit was used for the first time in the Google Analytics service. It also means visitors who arrived at the destination site through the Google search results list instead of purchased traffic (through link exchange or advertising purchase). Some users have also given organic traffic the name of organic SEO, which more precisely means the actual position of a web page among Google search results.

The main way for content to be seen among competitors is search engines, and in order to be among the first results, it is necessary for the site to be optimized according to the principles expected by search engines. After site optimization, more users will enter your pages through search engines like Google. Organic search means free traffic that comes directly to your site from search engines. In general, there are two types of results in search results, organic search results and paid search results; But are these two different from each other? As we said, organic search results are free and directly from search engines; While the search results are paid for the fee that the site owner pays to Google. By paying this fee, Google will show the desired website to the user for a series of specified terms. 

The importance of organic search in SEO

The main goal of webmasters and SEO professionals is to increase the organic traffic of a site. The more a site is seen on the serp page and attracts visitors, the more important Google gives it.

There are many ways to attract visitors, but white hat SEO techniques will be more sustainable and valuable. On the other hand, Google can easily understand the difference between organic and paid traffic of a site. Therefore, the implementation of SEO techniques and as a result increasing the site's organic search is very important in its sales and ranking in Google. To improve your site's SEO, you can use the techniques mentioned on the page "Increase your site's SEO".

 Types of SEO organic search

Maybe in your mind, the only idea of the organic search results of the words are various articles on the sites. But it should be said that in addition to text posts, organic results include a wider range of content. If you also plan to increase your site traffic using organic SEO, it is better to consider different strategies for different types of content. It is necessary to know the ways in which the content can attract visitors. In the following, we will introduce these items.

the video

When you search for something in Google, you will definitely see several videos as a result. These days, videos have become more important and its proper use will create an emotional bond with the audience. It is interesting to know that this type of content can increase your number of clicks by 157% more than text content. Although Google has recently shown not only YouTube posts, but also videos from personal sites in the search results, you need to follow some rules for visual content to be visible.

Summary results

Sometimes the goal of users to search for something is to find answers to their questions as quickly and easily as possible. To answer this need, Google has designed the Featured Snippet service. Featured snippets are a short section of a long article that appears in search results and briefly answers users' questions. This content is automatically extracted from the original text and can include definitions of terms, lists and tables.

Top stories

Another thing that may appear as a result of organic search terms are Top Stories. When the Google search engine recognizes that the search title is related to a news content, it will show the user the most high-quality and relevant news in a section.


The use of images will encourage the audience to continue browsing your pages, and this will cause more user interaction and, as a result, increase the ranking of your site. But this is not the only role of images on the site and the photos you use have an impact on SEO as well. First of all, the images used define the context of your content for search engines, and in addition, the basic use of images (without slowing down the page loading speed) will improve your position in Google search results (Serp). The use of images, like videos, has certain rules that we will mention below. 

What is Search Intent?

In organic search, this phrase expresses a purpose, for which the user searches for an article online in the internet space. These goals can be to find an answer to a question in the medical, legal, sports or any other field, or to compare and buy a product, or even to find a specific site with the address of the same site and many other reasons... these very diverse and diverse reasons cause users to navigate and organic search are in the space of websites.

Types of Search Intent

  • Informational intent

It is a search that is carried out with the aim of obtaining information on any topic and platform. Information about education, medicine, digital world, weather and... thousands of other topics are searched on the Internet. In this category, according to the topic that users are looking for, more words like information, best method, why, how, etc. are used to find the user's desired content, and the content can be prepared in the form of text, photos, or videos.

  • Navigational Intent

In this type The target audience search can be to reach a specific location or geographic location information. For example, finding the address of a bookstore in the city or province that the user is interested in with any amount of information he has about it, which can be approximate or exact.

  • Transactional Intent

In this category of search, the goal of users is to buy or sell a product. In such a situation, words such as: buy, sell, discount, etc. are searched to obtain information.

In organic search, in order for the website to get an acceptable rank and be displayed to users, you must first have enough knowledge about the user's goal to choose the right keywords. Apart from the target audience and suitable keywords, you should pay attention to things such as: website structure, number and relevance of internal and external links, compliance with SEO principles, having a useful and high-quality content, website responsiveness, etc. or organic search, users can easily access your site.

Ganik Search vs. Paid Search

Another way to get an audience through search is Paid Search. But why should we still focus on an approach that will pay off in the long run when we can easily get a very good SERP position? In response, one must ask what if the payments increase the customer acquisition cost (CAC) too much? If you have a limited budget, will the results and opportunities from these approaches be the same? Definitely not.

In fact, you should know that Paid Search has several main limitations and each of them has a specific reason. In the following, we will mention these items:

  • The search volume is fixed and you cannot change it
  • Paid click-through rate (CTR) is appallingly low (usually between 3 and 8 percent)
  • The average click-through rate for the number one organic position is between 20 and 30 percent

Therefore, even if you maximize your budget, you still can't get the traffic numbers close to the results of organic search. This is one of the reasons why Google says organic search results are five times more valuable than paid search results. In general, you should know that the benefits of SEO are many times better than the click rate.

When you are comparing SEO with PPC, it is important to note that Paid Search is a short-term solution. For example, if spending on PPC stops, the return on investment will quickly stop. On the other hand, investing in SEO will yield fantastic long-term results and can give you a significant return on investment in the future.

These two approaches can be understood in another way; In fact, it can be said that with PPC you rent a place and with SEO you get full ownership of it. In addition, PPC is not cost-effective due to banner blindness. This means that users will ignore the issues presented by the cost approach; Because they trust organic search results more. The world we live in is saturated with ads, and that's why many people don't pay attention to ads, even on search engine results pages.

Narenji SEO organic search

In Narenji Group, we place a strong emphasis on the development and advancement of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Our team possesses extensive experience and knowledge in the field of SEO, assisting you in achieving better rankings in organic searches on Google and other search engines. Utilizing intelligent SEO strategies, we aim to ensure that your website attains improved visibility and attractiveness in organic search results.

Our team not only focuses on optimizing content and keywords but also provides technical optimization solutions. From analyzing website structure to optimizing tags and categories, we cover all necessary steps to present your website clearly and compellingly in search results.

2023 Jun 29

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